Friday, May 12, 2006

another tattoo...

I really don’t know how come I suddenly going to do tattoo on my body again as last Sunday… I felt it was enough if I had 9 japanese koi fish on my half right body…yup…half right side of my body…on my right leg got 5 of it then my stomach got 1 and my right back body got 3 of it…on my right chest got old copper coins…I did it not because of what gangsterism but it was Feng Shui…

Most of Chinese people believe that 9 koi fish will bring a good wealth luck…

I don’t know why I will get a tattoo on my body as last time I really hate tattoo…the tattoo artist are my classmate when I transfer to Sunny Hill college from St. Joseph…I still remember he always draw in class and everytime talk about tattoo things in class…I always told him that your mother born you with nice skin but you go and tattoo on it…

Last Sunday I went to get another tattoo on my left stomach… a female Goldfish…hardly to believe as can differentiate male or female…that’s my friend can differentiate as he really like fish and study a lot about it…I wont post any photo of my tattoo because it was his request as later people will copy his art then I had my fish clone…

on my left side body now got 1 goldfish and will I continue another 8???


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8:28 AM  
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4:20 PM  

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